Contact us:
Dr. Zifei Liu
Assistant Professor
Biological & Agricultural Engineering
Kansas State University
043 Seaton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone: 785-532-3587
Fax: 785-532-5825
News and Updates
Januray 9, 2019Akinbile Demilade joins our research group as a new phD student. Welcome! Sepetember 26, 2018Second smoke sampling event in the Flint Hills using drones. |
August 6, 2018Yang Liu (Jeanne) defended her PhD disertation. Congratulations! |
July 25, 2018The project "Developing a decision tool to assist management of prescribed fires in the Flint Hills region in order to reduce smoke impact on ambient ozone" are selected to receive a 2018 USDA-Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) award. |
July 23, 2018Dr. Md Ariful Haque joins our research group as a post-doc research associate. Welcome! |
June, 2018Journal publication: Liu, Z. and Liu Y. 2018. Invited review: Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from animal production. Greenh. Gases. S. (8):627–638. |
May 10, 2018Invited presentation: Impact of prescribed burning in the Flint Hills region. US EPA region 7. |
April 16, 2018First sampling effort to monitor smoke from prescribed fires in the Flint Hills region using drones, with collaborators from Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), T&B Systems, and a K-State Polytech team. |
April 3, 2018Prescribed Burning Smoke Management Workshop. Manhattan, KS. |
March 21, 2018Prescribed Burning Smoke Management Workshop. Emporia, KS. |
March 13, 2018Dr. Zifei Liu visited K-State Polytechnic U.A.S. Lab to prepare for smoke sampling event. |
March 9, 2018Dr. Zifei Liu was on radio interview for Agriculture Today: Flint Hills smoke management. |
February, 2018Journal publication: Liu, Z, Liu, Y., Murphy, J.P., and Maghirang, R. 2018. Contributions of Kansas rangeland burning to ambient O3: analysis of data from 2001 to 2016. Sci. Total Environ. Special issue: Health impact of wildland fire smoke exposure. 618:1024-1031. |
October, 2017Extension publication MF3386: "Diet and feed management to reduce gaseous emissions from livestock production: principles and practices." |
October, 2017Extension publication MF3387: "Design and management of biofilters for air pollution control in livestock facilities." |
September 16, 2017The project "A meta-analysis of life cycle assessments on environmental footprints of five representative finishing swine diets " are selected for funding by the National Pork Board (NPB17-159). |
May 4, 2017Yang Liu (Jeanne) is accepted in the Beef Cattle Institute 2017 Summer Scholar Program with the project “A review of life cycle assessment on carbon footprint of beef production in the US.” |
April, 2017Extension publication MF3367: "National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool (NAQSAT) for livestock producers." |
April 10, 2017Dr. Zifei Liu was on radio interview for Agriculture Today: Flint Hills smoke management. |
April 3, 2017Workshop: Smoke Management under New US Ozone and PM Standards. |
March, 2017Extension publication MF3358: "How much does Kansas rangeland burning contribute to ambient PM2.5?" |
March, 2017Extension publication MF3357: "How much does Kansas rangeland burning contribute to ambient ozone? " |
March 15, 2017Yang Liu (Jeanne) passed her prelim examination and become a phD candidate. Congratulations! |
February, 2017Journal publication: Liu, Z, Y. Liu, J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Ammonia and methane emission factors from cattle operations expressed as losses of dietary nutrients or energy. Agriculture. 7(3),16. |
February, 2017Journal publication: Liu, Z, Y. Liu, J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Estimating ambient ozone effect of Kansas rangeland burning with receptor modeling and regression analysis. Environments. (4)14. |
Janurary, 2017Journal publication: Liu, Z, Y. Liu, X. Shi. J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Variations of ammonia emissions from cattle operations: Effects of temperature and dietary crude protein content. Trans. ASABE. (60)1. |
November 14-17, 2016The 2nd International Smoke Symposium in Long Beach, California. |
November, 2016Journal publication: Health and environmental impacts of smoke from vegetation fires: a review. Journal of Environmental Protection. 7, 1860-1885. |
July, 2016Dr. Zifei Liu was awarded as Outstanding Reviewer for the PAFS division at the ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20, 2016 in Orlando, Florida. |
July, 2016Journal publication: Liu, Z, Y. Liu, R. Maghirang, D. Delvin, C. Blocksome. 2016. Estimate contributions of prescribed rangeland burning in Kansas to ambient PM2.5 through source apportionment with the Unmix receptor model. Trans. ASABE. 59(5). |
March 28, 2016Workshop: Quantifying the contributions of pasture burning on air quality. |
March 23, 2016Dr. Zifei Liu was on radio interview for Agriculture Today: Ammonia and methane emissions from beef and dairy operations. |
September, 2015Journal publication: Liu, Z., W. Powers, and J. Harmon. 2016. Estimating ventilation rates of animal houses through CO2 balance. Trans. ASABE. 59(1). |
April 16, 2015Workshop: Flint Hills pasture burning: a challenge for air quality; our strategies and opportunities. |
February, 2015Extension publication MF3185: "Gas emissions from beef and dairy operations." |
February, 2015Extension publication MF3184: "Anaerobic digestion of livestock manure: feasibility and factors to consider." |
February, 2015Extension publication MF3180: "Carbon footprint of livestock production." |
September, 2014Xiuhuan Shi joins our research group as a research assistant. Welcome! |
July 22, 2014Junqin Wang (June) defended her Master thesis. Congratulations! |
April 5, 2014Pancake feed for Engineering Open House! |
February, 2014Journal publication: Liu, Z., W. Powers, and S. Mukhtar. 2014. A review of practices and technologies for odor control in swine production facilities. Appl. Eng. Agric. 30(3):477-492. |
Janurary, 2014Journal publication: Liu, Z. and W. Powers. 2013. Greenhouse gases emissions from multi-species animal operations and the potential diet effect. Trans. ASABE. 57(1). |
Janurary, 2014Extension publication MF2918: "Technologies for odor and air emission control in swine production facilities". |
Janurary, 2014Extension publication MF3121: "Understanding Air Quality Concerns of Prescribed Range Burning in Kansas". |
December, 2013Journal publication: Liu, Z., W. Powers, J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2013. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emissions from swine production facilities in North America: a meta-analysis. J. Anim. Sci. 92: 1-10. |
September 30-October 2, 2013The Pork Checkoff Swine Education In-Service, Atlanta, GA. |
August 18, 2013Yang Liu (Jeanne) joined our research group as a graduate research assistant. Welcome! |
August, 2013Journal publication: Liu, Z., W. Powers, and H. Liu. 2013. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Swine Operations: Evaluation of the IPCC Approaches through Meta-analysis. J. Anim. Sci. 91: 4107-4032. |
August 13-15, 2013S-1032 multi-state project annual meeting, Worshop on system thinking, Washington DC. |
July 22-25, 2013Presented "Meta-Analysis of H2S, NH3, VOCs, PM10 and PM2.5 Emissions from Swine Production Facilities in North America " in ASABE annual conference, Kansas City, KS. |
June 25-29, 2013Air and Waste Management Association’s 106th Annual Conference& Exhibition, Chicago, IL. |
June 9, 2013Junqin Wang (June) joined our research group as a graduate research assistant. Welcome! |
Aril 9-11, 2013K-State faculty group visit NSF, USDA, and NIH at Washington DC. |
April 1-5, 2013"From Waste to Worth" national conference, Denver, CO. |
March 18, 2013Two new projects are funded by National Pork Board. NPB13-088: "Mitigation of Air Emissions from Swine Buildings through the Photocatalytic Technology using UV/TiO2". NPB13-084: "Effectiveness of Vegetative Environmental Buffers to Reduce Swine Facility Emissions". |
February 5, 2013Extension factsheet "How much does my farm emit" is posted at |
Janurary 16-17, 2013The Beef Checkoff sustainability research summit, Denver, CO. |
November 8, 2012National Science Foundation Day, at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. |
October 30-31, 2012“Animal Agriculture and Climate Change” project advisory group meeting in Bryan/College Station, TX. |
October 16-18, 2012KSRE annual conference, Manhattan, KS. |
September 25-27, 2012Presented "Air emission from swine production" in the Pork Checkoff Swine Education In-Service, Cincinnati, OH. |