

Additional details and course schedules can be found at http://courses.k-state.edu/.

BAE 663: Environmental and Ecological Risk Assessment
Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Kansas State University

Summary: Examination of processes and methodologies associated with human environmental and ecological risk assessments. Application of the methods learned to a project to gain experience in defining and quantifying uncertainty associated with human perturbation, management and restoration of environmental and ecological processes.

BAE 669: Watershed Modeling
Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Kansas State University
Spring of even years

Summary: Undergraduate course on study and evaluation of physical processes at the watershed scale using hydrologic and water-quality models. Fundamental principles of hydrologic cycle are discussed; rainfall excess, runoff hydrographs, overland, and channel flow, detention ponds, wetlands, etc. Impacts of climate change on hydrologic regimes in Kansas are explored. In-class and homework projects on simple and complex hydrologic and watershed models using watershed modeling tools, such as, WinTR-55, RUSLE and SWAT.

BAE 869: Advanced Watershed Modeling
Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Kansas State University
Spring of even years

Summary: Graduate level course on advanced study and evaluation of physical processes at the watershed scale using GIS and hydrologic and water-quality models. The content is based on BAE 669 with additional advanced projects and homework assignments.

NRES 582: Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Capstone Design.
Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Kansas State University

Summary:This capstone course is designed to provide opportunities to learn from natural resource and environmental scientists with different academic backgrounds, perspectives, and research methods. This course also requires students to integrate information and knowledge acquired in other NRES courses in the design and conduct of a comprehensive research project in such a way that diverse viewpoints are combined into a consensus solution. Students prepare and present their process, problem, and solution in written, verbal, and graphic formats.

BAE 820: Special Topics in Agricultural Engineering: Hydrology and Ecosystems.
Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Kansas State University

Summary: A special topic course on principles of watershed hydrology and ecosystem services.

BAE 820: Special Topics in Agricultural Engineering: Soil Erosion and Sedimentation.
Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Kansas State University

Summary: A special topic course on principles of soil erosion by water, soil erosion models, and experimental methods. Special focus on Jet Erosion Test.