Carl and Melinda Helwig Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

The K-State Carl and Melinda Helwig Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering is unique. Our mission, to advance the knowledge and application of engineering and technology to living systems, agriculture and the environment, guides us as we serve our students, our communities and the world.
Our department is small enough to care, and our people are big enough to make a difference.
We hope you will explore our website to learn more about us, our programs and how we bring solutions to life.
Top news and stories
Inaugural University Outstanding Scholar cohort is future of research, teaching and service
Introduced in the spring of 2024 as part of the Next-Gen K-State initiative, this prestigious award honors exceptional mid-career tenured faculty members who demonstrate extraordinary potential for academic distinction. -
K-State advances biomanufacturing research through interdisciplinary hires
The complexity of today’s interconnected world demands innovative, cross-disciplinary solutions. Through its Multidisciplinary Hiring Initiative in Biomanufacturing, Kansas State University is building transformative research capacity to address global challenges. - Carl R. Ice College of Engineering programs receive ABET accreditation
Three undergraduate programs in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineeringat Kansas State University have received accreditation for the first time by ABET, the global accreditor of college and university programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology.