News and Updates
News and Updates
May 16, 2019
Mr. Chinthaka Weerasekara defended his MS thesis on evaluating soil losses from ephemeral gullies with photogrammetry. Congrats, Chinthaka!
February 16, 2019
Dr. Sheshukov participated in a Arctic Data Center Training Workshop at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California Santa Barbara. It was a great opportunity to learn about new data formats, archiving repository, R language, Python, and GitHub, as well as meet other scientists working on Arctic research in different parts of the world.
December 18, 2018
November 16, 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Tobias Oker for successfully defending his PhD dissertation on opportunities on improving water productivity using mobile drip irrigation technology.
September 14, 2018
USDA S1063 Multistate Hatch meeting was at Purdue University organized by Dr. Sara McMillan.
August 6, 2018
Phase 1 of the NSF Arctic project on vegetation and energy
is completed with installed 11 monitoring stations in 3 locations. Dr. Sheshukov traveled to the Polar Ural region in summer 2018 and participated in installation of >40 above ground and >70 below ground sensors.
December 16, 2017

November 22, 2017

November 9, 2017
October 10, 2017
Dr. Sheshukov attended a multi-state S1063 USDA-Hatch meeting in Starkville, MS aimed to quantify Best Management Practice effectiveness for water quality protection at the watershed scale.
August 30, 2017
The Natural Resources and Environmental Systems technical community hosted competitions for student presenters at the 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting. An impressive total of 92 students presented oral presentations and 44 students presented posters throughout NRES sponsored sessions at the meeting. Vladimir Karimov was selected as one of the winners for his oral presentation and was awarded a $250 cash prize. Title of his presentation was "Integrated Process-Based Modeling of Channelized Flow and Soil Erosion in Small Watersheds." Congratulations to Vladimir! Find more here ...
August 5, 2017
August 1, 2017
- Bandara, C.,A.Y. Sheshukov. Quantifying Ephemeral Gully Erosion with Photogrammetry Surveying.
- Karimov, V., A.Y. Sheshukov. Integrated process-based modeling of channelized flow and soil erosion in small watersheds.
- Ahiablame, L., A.Y. Sheshukov, V. Rahmani, D. Moriasi. Annual baseflow variations as influenced by climate variability and agricultural land use change in the Missouri River Basin.
March 23, 2017
March 5, 2017
- Evaluation of Climate and Land Use Impacts on the Missouri River Basin Waters: Opportunities for Adaptation through Regional Conservation Practices;
- Hydrological Modeling of Undisturbed Watersheds in the Missouri River Basin with SWAT.
The visit featured a discussion on regional assessment of land use and climate changes in the Great Plains.

November 15, 2016

March 25, 2016
KSU Watershed group graduate students Vladimir Karimov, Gia Nguyen, Tobias Oker and an undergraduate research assistant Reggeany Friesen presented their research at the 2016 Student Water Conference on March, 24-25 at Oklahoma State University. Vladimir presented results on the impacts of precipitation patterns on ephemeral gully erosion processes. Gia showed his findings on water productivity of mobile drip irrigation technology. Reggeany presented results on soil erodibility testing under different soil moisture content with JET. Tobias showed critical sources of sediment in the Little Arkansas Watershed. Great job by all young researchers!
December 2, 2015
Congratulations to Kelsey McDonough for successfully defending her MS thesis on ecosystem services in Central Kansas. Her thesis is available at K-State Research Exchange library. We are excited to have her as a PhD student for the next three years!
Congratulations to Lawrence Sekaluvu for successfully defending his MS thesis on using topographic and hydrologically based models for assessment of ephemeral gully erosion in Kansas. His thesis is available at K-State Research Exchange library. Wishing good luck to Lawrence for his PhD study at Purdue!
November 23, 2015
Vladimir Karimov, Gia Nguyen and Lawrence Karimov participated in a student poster competition at the Governor's Conference on the Future of Water in Kansas on November 18 -19 in Manhattan, KS. Congratulations to Vladimir for winning a runner-up award for his study on the impacts of climate change on the efficiency of best management practices for mitigating ephemeral gully erosion. Kelsey McDonough made an oral presentation on understanding the relationship between urban BMPs and ecosystem service provision at the same conference.
September 30, 2015
Congratulations to Dr. Rick Cruse's group at Iowa State University on receiving a seed funding from North Central Region Water Network to advance the Daily Erosion Project and expand the results to Kansas. Dr. Sheshukov is a primary collaborator in this project.
9 July, 2015
On July 9, Dr. Sheshukov and Dr. Devlin attended a Daily Erosion Project transition meeting in Ames, IA. We are excited to have DEP website up and running for Kansas later in 2015. A preview of the service is available at the Iowa State University website.
17-18 June, 2015
The BAE watershed group visited Gia Nguyen and Tobias Oker in Garden City who were conducting research on mobile drip irrigation at K-State Southwest Research and Extension Center with Dr. Isaya Kisekka this summer.

8-9 June, 2015
The BAE Watershed Research group hosted a workshop on Jet Erosion Test (JET) at the Manhattan campus of K-State. The workshop gathered 24 participants from five universities, who were interested in testing soil erodibility parameters with JET. The speakers included experts Dr. Garey Fox from Oklahoma State University and Dr. Erin Daly from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. The first day focused on theoretical background and methods, while JETs were ran at Campus creek in day two.
3-5 May, 2015
We presented our work on impacts of variability of climate datasets on watershed hydrology under changing climate at the ASABE 1st Climate Change Symposium: Adaptation and Mitigation in Chicago, IL. The study related to capturing climate variability predicted by NEXRAD, PRISM, and NCDC in the Smoky Hill watershed in western Kansas and how it impacts SWAT model results under different climate scenarios.
30 March, 2015

1 March 2015
Congratulations to Mr. Tobias Oker for receiving a graduate scholarship from the K-State Engineering Research and Graduate Program office.