Water Quality Professional Development
Water Quality Professional Development workshop will be offered for agents and specialists to provide them with subject matter expertise about surface water quality. The session will involve topics such as, TMDL basics and EPA regulations, cropland and livestock waste runoff, streambank stabilization and private drinking water wells, in addition to understanding the role of Extension with local, state and federal agencies. This will be held in Manhattan on October 4th and 5th, 2016.
One complementary hotel night will be provided with the registration (October 4th, double occupancy), along with lunch both days and breakfast on October 5th. There will be no registration cost, but please register by August 28, 2016.
Go to the website: http://www.kcare.k-state.edu for more information and to register.
Contact Extension Specialists: Dr. Charlie Barden (cbarden@ksu.edu) or Dr. Aleksey Sheshukov (ashesh@ksu.edu) for more information.
Manhattan, KS
Landon Room
Holiday Inn at the Campus
Tuesday, October 04, and Wednesday, October 05, 2016
- Understanding Urban Stormwater Runoff and Urban Issues by Trisha Moore
- What is a Watershed? Understanding Surface Runoff. Controlling Erosion and Sediment. by Aleksey Sheshukov
- Kansas WRAPS by Amanda Reed
- Water Quality in Kansas: The Backstory and Basics by Tom Stiles
- Runoff Still Runs Downhill - Taking Topsoil, Sediment, Nutrients, and Bacteria by Joel Derouchey
- Stream Stabilization and Buffers by Charlie Barden
- Understanding Cropland Runoff and Controlling Nutrient Losses by Nathan Nelson
- Understanding Extension's Role in WRAPS by Carl Garten and Watershed Specialists
- Considerations for New and Expanding Confinement Facilities by Joe Harner, Ron Graber and Watershed Specialists
- Managing Water Quality at Small Confinement Facilities by Will Boyer
- Is Non-Confined Feeding an Alternative? by Herschel George
- Dollars Drive Decisions by Jeff Davidson
Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Wednesday, October 05, 2016