Mark R. Wilkins Professor and Department Head mrwilkins@k-state.edu
Jonathan Aguilar Professor and Water Management/Irrigation Specialist jaguilar@k-state.edu
Edwin Brokesh Assistant Professor and ATM Program Coordinator ebrokesh@k-state.edu
Gary Clark Professor and Executive to the Dean gac@k-state.edu
Xinyi (Abby) E Professor of Practice and Assistant Director for Training and Education, Biomanufacturing Laboratory and Training Facility abby2007@k-state.edu
Daniel Flippo Associate Professor dkflippo@k-state.edu
Stacy Hutchinson Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs sllhutch@k-state.edu
Zifei Liu Assistant Professor zifeiliu@k-state.edu
Trisha Moore Associate Professor and ENVE Program Coordinator tlcmoore@k-state.edu
Daran Rudnick Professor and Sustainable Irrigation Systems Program Director drudnick@k-state.edu
Isis Scott Teaching Assistant Professor isisscott@k-state.edu
Ajay Sharda Professor and University Outstanding Scholar Co-Director of ID3A asharda@k-state.edu
Vaishali Sharda Associate Professor vsharda@k-state.edu
Aleksey Sheshukov Associate Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator ashesh@k-state.edu
Donghai Wang Professor dwang@k-state.edu
Lisa Wilken Associate Professor and BSE Program Coordinator Director, Biomanufacturing Laboratory and Training Facility lwilken@k-state.edu
Naiqian Zhang Professor zhangn@k-state.edu
Jikai Zhao Assistant Professor jikaizhao@k-state.edu